Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Words of Wisdom

"Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men's blood and probably will not themselves be realized." 

 -Daniel Burnham, Architect

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat

Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat-Fortune Favors the Bold.

I have never been one to sit back and hope for something great to happen to me, I have never counted on luck to bring me what I want. I make my own luck. I learned early on that if you have to depend on the goodwill of another person in order to fulfill your desires, then you will surely be disappointed.

I am restless in my desire to succeed, to gain a sort of fame or notoriety, on whatever scale I so desire, and I almost always succeed. How? Because I am never satisfied with the status quo. Why should I be? If I am not moving forward, then I might as well be moving backward. For certain, things don't always go as planned, or sometimes they downright fail, but at least I try. The thought of letting something die, without trying to bring it to fruition disgusts me.

I have met many blowhards in my life, plenty of people with grand plans and visions, but most of them were all talk. Sure, most people can talk a good game, but can they actually see it through? When it is time to put up or shut up, I mostly hear silence. I promised myself a long time ago that I wouldn't be that guy. And for the most part I have fulfilled that promise to myself. And now, more than ever, I vow to never be that guy.

I am a man chasing a dream, and what is a man if he doesn't have a dream? He is nothing, he is already beaten. But no matter how many times I may come up short, I will not be beaten. The fire inside me to succeed will never be doused, the flames never snuffed out. My desire to better myself on a daily basis far outweighs any fears I may have about failure. You cannot truly appreciate success until you have failed. In fact, if all you ever did  was succeed without failure, would you even realize your success? I doubt it.

Failure to me is often just a part of the journey towards success. To me, there is no better feeling than to accomplish not only something that others thought unlikely, but something I may have even doubted as well. To fail is to learn, or is failure the greatest teacher? Either way, you can learn a lot about a man in the face of failure. Does he throw his hands up and admit defeat? Or does he step back, reassess, and try again. I would like to think that I most often am the latter. Failure doesn't scare me, in fact, failure just reassures me that I am still trying. 

Will I eventually find the success that I so desperately seek? I have absolutely no doubts when I ask myself that question, yes.Why? Because my personal history tells me so. Everything I set my mind to is realized.
Period. End of story.

Now ask yourself, what fortunes await you? Or are you willing to let them slip away without even trying? I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try. Could you?