Wednesday, July 17, 2013


How many times in your life have you ever wanted to hit the reset button? I know for myself there have been plenty. But have you ever really pressed it? I have, almost two years ago, and I have never looked back. From the absolute darkest days of my life, I have reset the entire course of my future, and all for the better.

I wont go into detail here, at least not at this point, but lets just say that I wasn't the man I was supposed to be. I wasn't living up to promises I had made to others, nor myself. I had become someone I despised on a daily basis, I absolutely hated myself. And in a single afternoon, with only one conversation with the most important person in my life, my wife, I set out to change my life. And almost two years to the day, I can report back that it is possible to hit the reset button. You can change your life, as long as you are willing to do so. Not to sound cliché, but the journey was tough. Those that loved me most, probably doubted it was possible, but as I sit here writing this today, I am proof that if you no longer are living the life that you dream of, if you have gone down a path and cant find your way back or if you have lost sight of what is most important, it is possible to turn things around.

 I am hoping to use this blog as a teaching tool, not only for myself, but for other men that may need a little guidance in shaping their lives. I am not exactly sure yet at this early stage how I will best present my thoughts and strategies on how to become the man they believe themselves to be. But hopefully overtime a theme or structure will emerge from the chaos and randomness of my thoughts.  Perhaps by telling my story, someone will see themselves in me and be able to relate and realize that they too can change, that success is possible if you want it bad enough.

As this project unfolds I will present my side of the story of how I came to be the man I am today. Good, bad and ugly, and everything in between, I will let my mistakes, triumphs and tragedies be not only a source of inspiration for others, but a reminder to myself of not only where I came from, but where I plan to go.


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